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History (Continued)

The Youth Program at Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church (MLBC), as with most churches, has experienced the "Roller Coaster Syndrome."  As our youth grow older, they move on to college and (many times) other locations in the city, state, or nation.  MLBC has experienced church growth in numbers, as well as in Spirit.  However, it is imperative that the church continue to evangelize for the cause of Christ, in all areas of order to fulfill the "Great Commission."  Members have come and gone on to other endeavors of life.  But, God has always supplied the church with necessary gifts, to fulfill His mission at MLBC.  The church needed someone to serve in the capacity of Sunday School Superintendent; Deacon Jack McDaniel volunteered to serve.  In 2004, Brother Daniel Mills became a member of the church, as a candidate for baptism.


In the year 2005, MLBC was blessed with several new additions to the family.  Brother Richard Carter, Jr. came as a candidate for baptism.  Brother Terry Ingram became a member on his Christian experience.  Sister Willa M. Calloway, the Pastor's sister, became a member on her Christian experience.  Six (6) months later, the Pastor appointed Sister Calloway to serve with the Deaconess Ministry.  Evangelist Will Hammond and his wife (Sister Pamela Hammond) came to work with us at MLBC.  Evangelist Hammond accepted an invitation from Pastor Carter, to serve as "Director of the Evangelism Ministry," and to deliver a sermon every fifth Sunday.  Sister Pamela Hammond accepted an invitation to work with the Youth Program.


The year 2006 saw more additions to the MLBC Family:  Sister Robin Martin, Sister Lynn Moss and Sister Dalthina Harper.


In 2007, MLBC grew in numbers once again.  Minister Lige Ellis, Sister Sheila Ellis and their five (5) children, Sister Jameela Polk, and Sister Danitria Akins became a part of the MLBC Family.  Sister Barbara Stewart, Sister Crystal Banks and son (Brother Kenzell Banks) re-united with MLBC.  In recognition of their loyal & faithful service, the kitchen was named in honor of Sister Mary Sherrill and Mother Nellie Robinson.


The year 2008 saw more additions to our MLBC Family:  Sister Mildred Davis and Brother & Sister Robert Reynolds.  Year 2009, the building was remodeled and a Media Room added.  Sister Mildred Davis was honored as Mother of the Church.  Brother Johnny Stewart united with the MLBC Family.  In 2010, the Ellis Family re-located to Phoenix, Arizona.  Sister Willa Calloway was honored as Mother of the Church.  Brothers Terry Ingram and Daniel Mills were ordained as Deacons.  The siding on the Office-side of the building was replaced.  Our precious Mother Nellie Robinson went home to be with the Lord, September 5, 2010.


Year 2011 saw MLBC continue to grow spiritually, under the leadership of Pastor Carter, as he focused on teaching and encouraging the congregation to study the Word of God and to develop a strong prayer life.  Our Sister Paulette Goforth made her transition and went home to be with the Lord, January 2, 2011.  In the year 2012, the church again grew in numbers as Rev. Duane Landrum and Sister Jacinta Landrum joined our MLBC Family.  Sister Jerlene Prieto was honored as Mother of the Church.  We were blessed to grow the Media Ministry and are now able to produce DVD's of our services.  In the year 2013, the Drama Ministry was birthed.  Brother Eric McKinney, Sr. was ordained as a Deacon.  Sister Liane Casher Carter, wife of our Deacon-in-Training (Bro. Richard Carter, Jr.), united with MLBC.


In the year 2014, MLBC honored her esteemed Pastor with a 20th Year Pastoral Appreciation Celebration Banquet, at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center.  In 2015, MLBC increased in numbers, as Evangelist Will Hammond & Sister Pamela Hammond restored their membership.  Brother Paul Blalock united with MLBC, under Watch Care.  Sister Tanya Carter-Nelson united with MLBC, on her Christian experience.  Two (2) of our family members went home to be with the Lord, Mother Jerlene Prieto and Brother Johnny Stewart.  Brother Richard Carter, Jr. was ordained as Deacon.  As we approach forty-three (43) years of church history, we pause to thank God for the loyal and faithful servants in the various entities, listed below:


  • Assistant to the Pastor - Evangelist Will Hammond

  • Deacon Ministry - Deacons Dave Taylor, Daniel Mills, Terry Ingram, Eric McKinney, Sr. & Richard Carter, Jr.

  • Deaconess - Sisters Willa Calloway, Abby Morris, Barbara Stewart, Cheryle Carter (Sis. Dora Pannell, deceased March 2006) (Sis. Nellie Robinson, deceased September 2010) (Mother Jerlene Prieto, deceased 2015)

  • Youth Ministry - Deacon Terry Ingram & Sister Barbara Stewart

  • Kitchen Committee - Sisters Mary Sherrill & Ruby Pannell

  • Electronic, Media & Video - Sister RoQuesa Carter & Deacon Eric McKinney, Sr.

  • Mothers of the Church - Mother Willa Calloway (Mother Mildred Davis, deceased August 2016 & Mother J. Prieto, deceased)

  • Musicians - Sister Cheryle Carter & Brother Emanuel Calloway

  • Usher Ministry - Sisters Barbara Stewart, Ruby Pannell, Lisa Bronston & Pamela Hammond

  • Administrative Assistant/Church Clerk - Sister Cheryle Carter

  • First Lady Emeritus & Advisor to the Pastor - Sister Ruby Pannell

  • Building Maintenance & Cleaning - Deacon Eric McKinney, Sr.

We would like to honor Friends of MLBC, for the help they give this congregation:


  • Mrs. Connie Brigman (Decorating; Kitchen Ministry; Drama Ministry)

  • Mr. Andrew L. Lewis (Music Ministry)

  • Mrs. Stephanie Butler (Kitchen Ministry)

  • Brother Will Edwards (Music Ministry)

  • Minister Michael Lytle (Music Ministry; Preaching Ministry)



MLBC will continue adding to the book on church history, until she is taken up out of the earth, in the Rapture.


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